Estudos Cinematográficos e dramatúrgicos | Film and Dramaturgic Studies

Mónica Lima (Lisbon, 1981). Studied Visual Arts - Painting in the University of Fine Arts of Lisbon and Post-Graduation in Cinema (non-Fiction Directing) in FAMU - Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

Works with moving image and has been developing a reflection in the cinematographic devices and displays of viewing and presenting/projecting and montage testing various narrative possibilities. Lima's work has been a search of the essence of cinema and the metaphysical implications of moving image. It is a work curious about the implications of the History of Cinema and optic devices from which originated the first possibilities of a collective experience of moving image.

In Lima's research there is a sensible relationship with the history of Montage, that she uses as mechanical displays of sequences of images and juxtaposition of meaning. More recently the use of voice and story as forms of narration, fictionalize the very space of the movie theater and put the individual in the audience as character of fiction.

Since 2006 has been participating in various exhibitions, and in 2007 has been nomitated for the EDP – New Artists Prize. Collaborated in research and graphic projects, namely with vivóeusébio design collective in an editorial project about her own work. In 2008 attended the Videoart Course, in Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian whre she has as tutors Filipa César, Harun Farocki, Chantal Akerman, Colin McCabe, Filipa César and other. She currently lives and works in Berlin where she writes her first film and assists Filipa César as part of a grant from DGartes and the Portuguese Ministry of Culture.